About About alphATM

About alphATM

We are the technology veterans from different national and international enterprises, where we have vetted and deployed a large number of solutions just to simplify the lives of our peoples. We love to automate, optimize and prioritize any process that involves a better opportunity to serve you. Out major services partners include Gnomen UK. Ltd. FireEye Inc. Nokia Networks, Motorola Inc, Mobilink(JAZZ), and UFONE.

This is our effort to bring an online transaction system for all your cash based needs. We extend your service to general public by accepting cash from our counters across the country and handing over the cash directly to your account. All without any single piece hidden, clearly transparent and extendable to your imaginations.

Adeel Ahmed
Co-Founder & CEO

Adeel is in technology world since its inception. After graduating from NUST and having more than 18 years of experience with Motorola Inc., Adeel is currently working with as V.P Engineering at Jazz ( Mobilink ). Excellent management and exceptional technology understanding are his key skills. He also holds MBA degree from LUMS with Dean’s Favorite distinction. Adeel loves to travel and spend time with family.

Nasir Mahmood
Co-Founder & CTO

Nasir is a technology enthusiast with diversity of experience in solutions for multinational enterprise. He loves to automate processes and bundle enterprise solutions for small enterprises. His main interests are to hear sounds of enterprise systems running and serving customer without any interruptions.

Aqeel Malik
Technology Mentor

Aqeel is an entrepreneur by nature. He has been a successful business person with his enterprises serving UK/Europe and Asia. Aqeel loves to take adventures and enjoys his vROD rides.

Khurram Saeed
Development Head

Khurram Saeed is a Developer by nature. He graduated from Government College Lahore and received his MSC degree from ILM. Khurram has extensive knowledge of development related technologies and has worked with British Council Pakistan. Currently Khurram is serving as Head of Web Services at King Fahad State University,KSA. In spare times, Khurram loves to travel and do photography.